Chargement de documents tres lent
Nice app
Good App
Impossible de se connecter. Et vu le nombre de commentaires avec le meme avis, je m'etonne qu on puisse encore nous demander de vous ecrire un mail pour vous le signifier. Merci de regler ce probleme recurrent de manière globale, et non pas au cas par cas.
After updated the app only blank page appears No information Hope to solve the issue
Impossible to submit a claim for a more than 6 digits value. For exemple, I can submit a claim of 999 000 IDR (Indonesian rupiah), but not of 1 000 000 IDR. Please help
It keeps crashing all the time. Completely useless, insurance itself is super slow, it's almost impossible to reach them via phone. Disappointing
New problem with the app again. Does not launch the camera and teying to submit a claim saying "Please install a camera" + tell me .jpg and pdf file are not allowed format.
Is this a joke? You asked to update a new version but it doesn't allow to attach a PDF document of 300 kb. It says: file extension is not allowed. Tried a millon times and not working. It's PDF for God's sake! This company really likes it to play with your patience at all levels!